Shane Legg, Co-Founder and Chief AGI Scientist, Google DeepMind

Shane Legg, Co-Founder and Chief AGI Scientist, Google DeepMind

As the cofounder of Google DeepMind, Shane Legg is driving one of the greatest transformations in history: the development of artificial general intelligence (AGI). He envisions a system with human-like intelligence that would be exponentially smarter than today's AI, with limitless possibilities and applications. In conversation with head of TED Chris Anderson, Legg explores the evolution of AGI, what the world might look like when it arrives — and how to ensure it's built safely and ethically.
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Shane Legg is an entrepreneur and researcher in machine learning. He cofounded DeepMind Technologies, which Google subsequently acquired and renamed Google DeepMind, alongside Demis Hassabis and Mustafa Suleyman. He currently serves as the company’s top artificial intelligence scientist. In addition, he is well-known for his scholarly contributions to artificial general intelligence, which include his thesis under Marcus Hutter’s guidance.


An AI research team at Google’s DeepMind project has created a particular kind of AI system that may exhibit social learning skills. The team details how they created an artificial intelligence program that demonstrated its capacity to pick up new abilities in a simulated environment by imitating the behaviors of an implanted “expert” in their publication published in the journal Nature Communications.

The team’s initial task was to create GoalCycle3D, a virtual environment with uneven terrain, different barriers, and multicolored spheres. Next, artificial intelligence (AI) agents were included. Their goal was to navigate the virtual environment by dodging barriers and entering circles. All that was provided to the agents in terms of knowledge about the world they would live in were learning modules. They used reinforcement learning to learn how to go forward.

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