Crypto Wiki
August 31, 2022

5 Best Crypto Lending Platforms in 2022: Rates, Types, Risks

Cryptocurrency lending platforms have become increasingly popular in recent years as a way to earn interest on your digital assets. There are a variety of different platforms to choose from, each with its own unique features and benefits. In this article, we will compare the top 5 crypto lending platforms and discuss the pros and cons of each one.

List of Best Crypto Lending platforms


Best Crypto Lending platform Nexo

Nexo is another leading crypto lending platform that offers loan terms of up to 2 years and interest rates as low as 5%. Nexo also offers a variety of other features, such as the ability to use your crypto as collateral for a loan and a mobile app for tracking your account.


  • One of the biggest advantages of Nexo is that it offers instant loans. This means that you can get cash in your account as soon as you send your crypto to Nexo.
  • Additionally that Nexo offers a debit card that allows you to spend your digital assets anywhere that accepts Mastercard. This makes it easy to use your crypto for everyday purchases.
  • Finally, Nexo has a mobile app that makes it easy to track your account and blockchain activity.


  • One downside of Nexo is that it doesn’t offer competitive interest rates on its loans. If you’re looking for a loan with a lower interest rate, you may be better off with a different platform.
  • Another potential drawback is that Nexo’s loan terms are not as flexible as some of the other platforms on this list. If you need a short-term loan, you may be better off with a different platform.

Unchained Capital

Best Crypto Lending platform Unchained Capital
Unchained Capital

Unchained Capital is a cryptocurrency lending platform that offers interest rates as high as 5% APY on your digital assets. Unchained also allows you to use your crypto as collateral for a loan and offers a mobile app for tracking your account.


  • The biggest advantage of Unchained Capital is that it offers competitive interest rates on its loans. With rates as high as 5% APY, you can earn a significant return on your digital assets.
  • You can also track your account and blockchain activity using the mobile app.


  • One downside of Unchained Capital is that it doesn’t offer a debit card or other way to spend your digital assets. If you want to use your crypto for everyday purchases, you’ll need to find another platform.
  • Another potential drawback is that Unchained’s loan terms are not as flexible as some of the other platforms on this list. If you need a short-term loan, you may be better off with a different platform.

Oasis Borrow

Best Crypto Lending platform Oasis Borrow
Oasis Borrow

Oasis Borrow is a peer-to-peer lending platform that offers interest rates as high as 10% APY on your digital assets. Oasis also allows you to use your crypto as collateral for a loan and offers a mobile app for tracking your account.


  • The biggest advantage of Oasis Borrow is that it offers competitive interest rates on its loans. With rates as high as 10% APY, you can earn a significant return on your digital assets.
  • You can also track your account and blockchain activity using the mobile app.


  • One downside of Oasis Borrow is that it doesn’t offer a debit card or other way to spend your digital assets. If you want to use your crypto for everyday purchases, you’ll need to find another platform.



ZenGo simplifies the process of earning through cryptocurrency by providing an easy-to-use wallet where users can store their digital assets and earn returns through lending and staking. Utilizing WalletConnect and the ZenGo bridge, users can seamlessly link to their ZenGo wallet across various lending protocols including, but not limited to, Aave, Compound, and dYdX. With ZenGo’s non-custodial wallet model, there’s no need for users to worry about complex private key setup and management. This approach, facilitated by the aforementioned protocols, enables high annual percentage yields (APY) of up to 8% on stored cryptocurrency and straightforward processes for buying and selling digital assets. With ZenGo, lending out cryptocurrencies can be done directly from the user’s wallet, creating a streamlined lending experience.


  1. User-friendly: ZenGo offers a simplified user interface and a straightforward approach to managing cryptocurrency, making it a suitable choice for beginners.
  2. Integration with Leading Lending Protocols: ZenGo integrates with a variety of established lending protocols, such as Aave, Compound, and dYdX, offering users flexibility in their lending activities.


  1. Dependence on Third-Party Protocols: The performance and security of ZenGo are partly dependent on third-party protocols like Aave, Compound, and dYdX. Any issues with these platforms could potentially affect ZenGo users.
  2. Risk Level: While a high APY can be attractive, it also may involve higher risk. It’s important for users to understand these risks and consider their own risk tolerance.
  3. Potential for Loss: As with any investment, there’s the potential for loss. Crypto investments are still considered high-risk, and the value of the cryptocurrency can fluctify greatly.



CoinRabbit is renowned as a secure cryptocurrency lending platform, allowing users to generate passive income by depositing their cryptocurrency at fixed interest rates. Furthermore, it offers the flexibility to use the same cryptocurrencies as collateral for obtaining loans.

CoinRabbit operates without requiring credit or KYC checks from its customers, thus enhancing the convenience of transactions. It accepts loan-to-value ratios (LTVs) of 50%, 70%, and 80% for loans. The LTV and the borrowed amount directly influence the interest rates applied to loans. Additionally, CoinRabbit doesn’t impose specific loan term limits, instead calculating terms on a monthly basis.


  1. Safety: CoinRabbit is recognized as one of the safer platforms in the crypto lending space, offering assurance to users about the security of their investments.
  2. Flexible LTV Ratios: With LTV ratios of 50%, 70%, and 80%, users have a variety of options for securing loans using their cryptocurrencies as collateral.
  3. No Predetermined Loan Term: CoinRabbit calculates loan terms on a monthly basis rather than imposing a rigid loan term, offering flexibility to borrowers.


  1. Interest Rate Variability: Interest rates depend on LTV and the borrowed amount, which can lead to variability and unpredictability in costs for borrowers.
  2. Crypto Volatility Risk: Using cryptocurrencies as collateral exposes users to market volatility. If the value of the collateral cryptocurrency drops significantly, it could lead to a margin call or liquidation.
  3. Lack of KYC Checks: While the absence of KYC checks increases convenience, it might also raise concerns about the platform’s adherence to regulatory standards and safeguards against illegal activities.



Furthermore, it facilitates customer transactions by accepting purchases of cryptocurrencies via a branded Visa debit card. It also provides an IBAN bank account for convenient deposit and withdrawal of funds, making it a comprehensive hub for all your cryptocurrency needs.

SpectroCoin is not just a crypto lending platform that allows users to secure loans against their cryptocurrency assets, it also functions as a comprehensive exchange and portfolio management tool. SpectroCoin supports buying, selling, exchanging, and managing over 40 different cryptocurrencies, offering a one-stop solution for crypto enthusiasts.


  1. All-In-One Platform: SpectroCoin acts as a lending platform, exchange, and portfolio management tool all in one, providing a wide array of services to crypto users.
  2. Wide Crypto Support: The platform supports over 40 different cryptocurrencies, offering a diverse range of options for users.


  1. Limited Advanced Features: Compared to other platforms, SpectroCoin might lack advanced trading features like futures and margin trading, which could limit its appeal to more experienced traders.
  2. Transaction Fees: While not specified, there might be transaction fees associated with using a Visa debit card for purchases or for depositing and withdrawing funds. These fees can add up and cut into a user’s overall return.



Utilizing decentralized Kashi lending technology, acts as both a lending and staking platform. It enables users to borrow a stable token known as MIM, which they can deposit against tokens that yield interest. Users have the option to borrow MIMs against interest-earning tokens that they deposit via Yearn Finance.


  1. Integration with Yearn Finance: It provides the flexibility to use interest-earning tokens from Yearn Finance for borrowing MIMs.
  2. Decentralized: As a decentralized platform, it aligns with the principles of DeFi, increasing trust and transparency.


  1. Complexity: The platform’s approach might be complex for new users or those unfamiliar with decentralized finance.



AAVE is a decentralized protocol offering lending and borrowing services, with borrowers earning income based on the market demand for their deposits. Users can interact with the open-source application on Ethereum through APIs, user interface clients, or smart contracts. Uniquely, users can earn interest on the assets they deposit, potentially offsetting borrowing interest rates.


  1. Interest Earning: Users can earn interest on their deposits, which can help to offset borrowing costs.
  2. Decentralized: AAVE’s decentralized nature enhances transparency and reduces reliance on intermediaries.


  1. Complexity: The platform’s operation and various interaction modes might be complex for beginners or those unfamiliar with DeFi.



Compound, symbolized by its native token COMP, is a decentralized lending protocol. Borrowers can secure loans and repay them at algorithmically determined interest rates, while lenders can deposit crypto and earn interest. Customers can view supply markets, borrowing markets, and their respective data, like liquidity.


  1. Algorithmically Determined Rates: Interest rates are determined by an algorithm, ensuring transparency.
  2. Interest Earning for Lenders: Lenders can earn interest on their deposited crypto.


  1. Market Risk: As with any crypto platform, users are exposed to the volatility and risks inherent in the crypto market.



Alchemix enables users to lend and borrow cryptocurrencies against collateral using its DeFi protocol, with the unique feature that the loans self-repay over time. Users will never face liquidation. Various currencies, including USD, EUR, JPY, GBP, AUD, and stablecoins, can be used as collateral, allowing borrowing of up to 50% of the assets’ value without selling the stablecoins.


  1. Self-Repaying Loans: The feature of self-repaying loans is unique and attractive for borrowers.
  2. No Liquidation: The assurance of no liquidation reduces the risk for borrowers.


  1. Limited Borrowing: Borrowing is capped at 50% of the collateral’s value, which might limit the loan amount for some users.

Gemini Earn

Gemini Earn
Gemini Earn

Gemini Earn is a staking feature of the Gemini cryptocurrency exchange that allows users to earn interest on their cryptos by lending them to other institutional users. Interest begins to accrue within two days of making the deposit and is paid out daily. Institutional lenders such as traders, fund managers, corporations, wealth managers, liquidity providers, and brokers, are the primary borrowers on the platform.


  1. Daily Interest Payouts: The feature of daily interest payouts can be attractive for users.
  2. Quick Interest Accrual: Interest begins accruing within two days, offering quicker returns.


  1. Limited Borrower Base: As the platform is geared towards institutional lenders, individual or smaller scale borrowers may find it less accessible.



YouHolder offers crypto-backed loans for the top 58 cryptocurrencies, with a loan-to-value ratio of up to 90%. Customers can deposit cryptocurrency on the platform and earn interest rates of up to 10.7%. Loans can be received in the form of fiat currencies or stablecoins via banks and credit cards.


  1. High LTV Ratio: The high LTV ratio allows users to borrow more against their crypto assets.
  2. Broad Cryptocurrency Support: With support for 58 cryptocurrencies, the platform caters to a wide range of crypto assets.


  1. Crypto Volatility Risk: A high LTV ratio also exposes borrowers to greater risk due to crypto volatility.
  2. Interest Rate Variability: The interest rate can vary, leading to unpredictability in earnings for depositors.



WhiteBIT is a platform that allows users to lend a variety of cryptocurrencies, including BTC, EOS, and ETH, and earn returns of up to 20%. Users can also borrow cryptocurrencies for various needs, using their existing crypto assets on WhiteBIT as collateral. This can be especially useful when users want to leverage increasing crypto prices without selling their assets.


  1. High Returns: Users can earn high returns of up to 20% on certain cryptocurrencies.
  2. Variety of Cryptocurrencies: The platform supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies for lending and borrowing.
  3. Leverage without Selling: Users can leverage their existing crypto holdings without needing to sell them, even when prices are rising.


  1. Collateral Restrictions: The collateral is limited to the crypto assets in the user’s WhiteBIT account.
  2. Risk of Crypto Volatility: Given the volatile nature of cryptocurrencies, there is a risk that the collateral could decrease in value significantly.

Fuji Finance

Fuji Finance
Fuji Finance

Fuji Finance is a DeFi aggregator that analyzes multiple lending pools to provide users with the best interest rates. It has an automatic refinancing feature and provides detailed information about loan positions. It operates on multiple networks and plans to introduce cross-chain collateralization.


  1. Best Rates: The platform analyzes different protocols to offer the best interest rates.
  2. Versatility: Fuji operates on multiple networks, enhancing accessibility.
  3. Auto-Refinancing: The auto-refinancing feature ensures loan positions are always optimized.


  1. Maintenance Required: Users need to maintain a healthy LTV to sustain their loan position.
  2. Complexity: The platform’s advanced features may be complicated for beginners.

Goldfinch Finance

Goldfinch Finance
Goldfinch Finance

Goldfinch Finance is a decentralized, credit-based crypto lending protocol that provides credit to underserved communities. It is governed by a DAO, and all changes to the protocol are voted on by token holders.


  1. Community-Centric: The platform is governed by a DAO, promoting transparency and decentralization.
  2. Credit-Based Loans: Goldfinch provides credit-based loans, which could extend the use-cases of crypto loans.


  1. Risk of Default: Credit-based loans carry a risk of default as they aren’t over-collateralized.
  2. Dependent on Governance: The platform’s effectiveness depends on the governance by token holders.



Canada-based Ledn allows users to borrow against BTC at a 9.9% annual interest rate, requiring a minimum deposit of $1,000 worth of bitcoin collateral. Users can borrow up to 50% of their deposit amount.


  1. Clear Terms: The platform has clear loan terms, including the interest rate and collateral requirement.
  2. Quick Loan Issuance: Loans are issued within 24 hours of a user’s request.


  1. Limited Crypto Options: The platform primarily focuses on bitcoin, which might limit users with other types of cryptocurrency.
  2. High Collateral Requirement: A high minimum collateral requirement could be a barrier to entry for some users.

Unchained Capital

Unchained Capital
Unchained Capital

Unchained Capital allows users to borrow cash against BTC, with a minimum collateral amount of $10,000. Users can only borrow up to 40% of their deposited asset, and Unchained Capital requires monthly interest payments.


  1. Stablecoin Collateral: Users receive stablecoin collateral, which can reduce exposure to crypto market volatility.
  2. Flexible Repayment Options: Users can choose from several repayment schedules.


  1. Limited Crypto Support: The platform is primarily focused on Bitcoin, which might limit users with other cryptocurrencies.
  2. High Minimum Collateral: The high minimum collateral requirement could exclude some potential users.
  3. Strict Repayment Schedule: Users must make monthly interest payments, which could be burdensome for some borrowers.

Crypto Lending Platform Comparison

PlatformAnnual Interest Rate
1ZengoUp to 8%
8Gemini EarnVaries
9YouHodlerUp to 10.7%
10WhiteBITUp to 20%+
11Fuji FinanceVaries
12Goldfinch FinanceVaries
14Unchained Capital5%
16Oasis Borrow10%

Types of Crypto Loans

Secured Loan

A secured loan is a loan that uses your digital assets as collateral. If you default on the loan, the lender can seize your assets to recoup their losses. Secured loans tend to have lower interest rates than unsecured loans because the lender’s risk is lower.

Unsecured Loan

An unsecured loan is a loan that doesn’t require collateral. If you default on the loan, the lender can’t seize your assets. However, unsecured loans tend to have higher interest rates because the lender’s risk is higher.

Fixed-Rate Loan

A fixed-rate loan has an interest rate that doesn’t change over the life of the loan. This type of loan is ideal if you want to know exactly how much you’ll need to pay each month.

Variable-Rate Loan

A variable-rate loan has an interest rate that can change over the life of the loan. This type of loan is ideal if you’re expecting interest rates to go down over time.

Short-Term Loan

A short-term loan has a repayment period of less than one year. This type of loan is ideal if you need cash for a short-term expense.

Long-Term Loan

A long-term loan has a repayment period of more than one year. This type of loan is ideal if you need to finance a long-term project or purchase.

Risks of Crypto Lending

Loss of Assets

If you default on a loan, the lender can seize your assets to recoup their losses. This is a risk with all types of loans, but it’s especially important to be aware of with crypto loans because digital assets can be volatile.

High-Interest Rates

Crypto loans often have high-interest rates, which can make them expensive. Be sure to compare interest rates before you take out a loan to make sure you’re getting the best deal possible.

Lack of Regulation

The crypto lending industry is largely unregulated, which means there are no laws protecting borrowers. This makes it important to do your research before taking out a loan to make sure you’re using a reputable platform.


Because of the lack of regulation, there are many scams in the crypto lending industry. Be sure to research any platform you’re considering using to make sure it’s legitimate.

Loss of Privacy

Some crypto lending platforms require you to submit KYC (Know Your Customer) information. This can include your name, address, and Social Security number. If you’re concerned about privacy, you may want to choose a platform that doesn’t require KYC information.

How to Get a Crypto Loan

Choose a Lending Platform

The first step is to choose a lending platform. There are many different platforms to choose from, so be sure to do your research to find the best one for your needs.

Create an Account

Once you’ve chosen a platform, you’ll need to create an account. This process usually requires you to provide some personal information, such as your name and email address.

Deposit Your Assets

Once your account is created, you’ll need to deposit the assets you want to use as collateral for the loan. This can be done by transferring the assets from a wallet or exchange.

Get a Loan

Once you’ve deposited your assets, you can apply for a loan. You’ll need to specify the amount you want to borrow and the repayment period. The platform will then match you with a lender and provide you with a loan offer.

Repay Your Loan

Once you’ve received your loan, you’ll need to make monthly repayments to the lender. Be sure to make your payments on time to avoid defaulting on the loan.


Is Crypto Lending Safe?

Crypto lending is a relatively new industry, so there isn’t a lot of regulation. This lack of regulation has led to some scams, so it’s important to be aware of the risks before taking out a loan. That being said, many reputable platforms offer safe and secure loans.

What Are the Best Crypto Lending Platforms?

There are many different crypto lending platforms to choose from. Some of the best platforms include BlockFi, Nexo, and Celsius Network.

What Is the Interest Rate on a Crypto Loan?

The interest rate on a crypto loan depends on the platform you’re using. Rates can range from 5% to 20%.


Crypto lending is a great way to get a loan using your digital assets as collateral. However, it’s important to be aware of the risks before taking out a loan. Be sure to research any platform you’re considering using and compare interest rates to get the best deal possible.

Interested in learning more? Here are some additional guides to check out:


In line with the Trust Project guidelines, please note that the information provided on this page is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as legal, tax, investment, financial, or any other form of advice. It is important to only invest what you can afford to lose and to seek independent financial advice if you have any doubts. For further information, we suggest referring to the terms and conditions as well as the help and support pages provided by the issuer or advertiser. MetaversePost is committed to accurate, unbiased reporting, but market conditions are subject to change without notice.

About The Author

Damir is the team leader, product manager, and editor at Metaverse Post, covering topics such as AI/ML, AGI, LLMs, Metaverse, and Web3-related fields. His articles attract a massive audience of over a million users every month. He appears to be an expert with 10 years of experience in SEO and digital marketing. Damir has been mentioned in Mashable, Wired, Cointelegraph, The New Yorker,, Entrepreneur, BeInCrypto, and other publications. He travels between the UAE, Turkey, Russia, and the CIS as a digital nomad. Damir earned a bachelor's degree in physics, which he believes has given him the critical thinking skills needed to be successful in the ever-changing landscape of the internet. 

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Damir Yalalov
Damir Yalalov

Damir is the team leader, product manager, and editor at Metaverse Post, covering topics such as AI/ML, AGI, LLMs, Metaverse, and Web3-related fields. His articles attract a massive audience of over a million users every month. He appears to be an expert with 10 years of experience in SEO and digital marketing. Damir has been mentioned in Mashable, Wired, Cointelegraph, The New Yorker,, Entrepreneur, BeInCrypto, and other publications. He travels between the UAE, Turkey, Russia, and the CIS as a digital nomad. Damir earned a bachelor's degree in physics, which he believes has given him the critical thinking skills needed to be successful in the ever-changing landscape of the internet. 

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